Thursday, July 8, 2010

Through sickness and in health.

Hello, everyone... I am not feeling well so I’m not in my normal chipper mood but I haven’t written in a week so it’s time. I have a sinus infection and when I went to the doctor to get a steroid shot in my back-ouch!-I met a 3rd year med student who goes to OSU Medical which is where Coy starts at in August. She warned me that Coy’s first year will be the hardest. It was just another reminder to be extra supportive which is what everyone keeps telling me. Be supportive! Be extra nice! Be there when he needs me! I’m trying to start now, so I am already in the habit. It’s not like I wasn’t supportive or nice in the first place, but everyone has a moment or two when they are not “treating others as they want to be treated”, right?

On to other things… 4th of July was good. I actually had the day off, which is very exciting. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

I have 2 Followers now. Thank you! Thank you! ... 8 more to go before August 1.

And what about life with Coy? Well, Coy has his Orientation week Monday August 9th through Friday August 13. This is when he is to get to know his classmates and stuff before their actual classes start. Then, he has his White Coat Ceremony on the morning of August 14. It’s like the opposite of a graduation… it’s the beginning of being a med student. He gets his doctor coat, hints the name and also, his family is coming in from Arkansas. Then his actual classes start August 16… So, just about a month left before his life becomes extremely hectic and I can start writing about Med School from my point of view.

I would like some advice on changing my background, adding keywords, making/adding a signature to the end of each blog, etc., to make my blog page more exciting. For starters, where do I find a new background and how do I apply it?

Well, any and all comments or questions are greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

  1. bummer dude. I hope you're feeling better by now!! blogger has a pretty good selection of backgrounds already available if you go to the "Design" link in the upper right-hand corner and then to "desing template". you can mess around with a bunch of stuff in there (although it looks like you've already found that? Your blog looks nice :D ). There's not really anything you could screw up too badly and not be able to fix, so have fun with it!

    As for finding backgrounds online, I'd be careful. Sometimes when you download them, it changes a lot of formatting that you had initially or adds columns or sections you don't really need.

    Adding a signature is as easy as adding a picture to the end of your posts, really. Just make a signature in photoshop or paint or whatever (I LOVE for free fonts), save it as an image (or a PNG if you don't want the white background to cover something up) and insert it like an image. That's the easiest way, really.

    Hm. What else... I'm trying to think of things that were hard to figure out or get help with when I was starting out... let me know if you want to learn how to make widgets or links without needing the entire URL in there. My knowledge is still pretty basic, but it's enough to get things looking pretty classy!

    I'm so glad you're blogging! Keep it up! It gets easier!
