Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I realize it is Random Wednesday, but instead I'm doing Ranting Wednesday... Please Read what someone wrote on "Lives of Doctor Wives".

"I am above my circumstances."

"It can be a huge challenge while Dr.H is in medical school and residency to live the way we live, being the way we are. Most of the Dr. Wives I know not only have their college degrees, but have gone on the get advanced degrees such as a master's degree or law degree, or some other type of advanced education.
It only makes since that we are highly educated, intellectual women because we married men who value education as well.
This being said, it can be difficult emotionally, while in these years, when we are waiting in the overfilled medicaid clinic with our sick child, or buying food with WIC vouchers and/or food stamps.
I want to scream - "I want you all to know, I don't belong here! I'm not here because I dropped out of high school and have 3 kids from 3 daddies. I'm here because daddy is a doctor and we are all sacrificing for his education!"
"I am above my circumstances"
"I am above my circumstances"
Can get that as a bumper sticker on my falling apart car? Can I put it on a hat like Frank Rossitano on "30 Rock"?
No, I will suffer through. I will make extra money when necessary dealing Black Jack, dressing as Dora the Explorer or a Carebear at Walmart. I will do surveys for Marlboro at gay bars. I will hand out Viva paper towel samples to people who push it away and say, "I'm good" (who doesn't need paper towels any way?) I will make my kids wear pants that are too short and get the discounted lunch. I will do what I must for my husband to get his education.
But I will know that I am above my circumstances."

Wow! Really? Many readers were saying that it was "insensitive “and "offensive", but my complaint was as follows...

"Alright... I'll be honest I found this post to be offensive only because of this comment, "It only makes since that we are highly educated, intellectual women because we married men who value education as well"... I don't have a higher education. I have my associates and stopped at that so I could work while my Fiancé is in medical school. I did this so that we could still live in our nice house and have cars to drive... Oh and Miss Educated it *sense, not *since"

I guess this affected me because I chose not to go back to school when I got my job at Lavish and was working full time, bought myself a house and was enjoying the job that God had blessed me with. So, after I lost my job at Lavish (because they closed), I didn't go back to school because when I bought my house I made the choice to be a full time employee, not student. Now here I am working 2 jobs to support Coy and I so his loan money doesn't run out from being a full time Med Student and this girl makes me feel degraded because she feels that I must not "value my education" like Coy does... Actually, Miss Smarty Pants, Coy decided to be a doctor when he was young not because he was greedy or wanted to go to school for years and years and years, but because he wanted to help people.

I guess I've ranted enough... Leave me a comment!


  1. You Go Girl!!!!!! This girl has to get her life back on track so she need to GO GET A JOB!!!! Growup you are an adult now and life is tough for all of us.... Live with it..... When you married your doctor or doctor to be you knew that you would have to make sacrfices so you just got to live with it.

  2. I'm sorry if I offended you. It was not my intention. I am a terrible speler; I can own that. : )

    By saying, "I am above my circumstances" does not mean that others are not above theirs!

    Our circumstances do not define us. They do not define anyone.

    I would never judge another by their need for government assistance, or their children's ratty clothes! I'm too busy worrying about if others are judging me for my food stamp card or my kids ratty clothes!!!

    While I shouldn't let my obviously low self-esteem worry me, it does.

  3. @ Robin "When you married your doctor or doctor to be you knew that you would have to make sacrfices so you just got to live with it."

    Robin, I did not know I was marrying a doctor. I was a Senior and he was a Freshman when we got married. He had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. I had a great job and supported our family while he went through college.

    Now I am 33 have 3 kids while he is in residency, it is not an affordable choice for me to go to work. His overnights are weekly and completely unpredictable.

  4. Nobody can understand the "the life of a doctors wife unless they have been in the situation". We all have different situations at home and our own story. Some people have kids, some pets, some eachother.....but regardless were supporting our spouse because we love them. No reason to criticize one another because we have different backgrounds.
